I am on high ground, a pinnacle, the highest point on a way that passes here. My archive reveals that a monochrome information film celebrated this way and was complemented by a rhythmic rhyming text. Below, about 10 earth-miles to the south-east, is the village which gives its name to the high point. In my… [Read More]
On What 3 Words
Earthlings have devised a geographical location system which imagines the surface of their planet as a grid of squares each measuring 3m by 3m. Each square is identified using a unique combination of 3 words. So, for example, the Cheshire Cat statue in Oxford’s Botanic Garden is represented by the What 3 Words reference ‘///bumpy.fear.tricky’…. [Read More]
On Alien Landings
An Alien Lands is a series of cryptic challenges. It imagines that a visitor from another planet lands somewhere on earth, takes a look around, observes things and then reports what it sees. The challenge for you is to work out from the report of each Landing whereabouts the alien has landed and identify the… [Read More]